Kalmyk Loop

( Slipped Inuit Bowline )

Animation: Kalmyk Loop


The Kalmyk Loop, also known as the Slipped Inuit Bowline, is a versatile, quick-release knot that forms a secure fixed loop at the end of a rope. It is easy to tie and untie, even after being loaded. Structurally similar to the Inuit Bowline, the Kalmyk Loop features a slipped loop in the final tuck, enabling rapid release by pulling the working end. This makes it ideal for situations requiring a dependable knot that can be undone rapidly. Although largely unknown in the West, the Kalmyk Loop is commonly used in Russia as an alternative to the Bowline when a fixed loop is needed.


Verify tying technique with a skilled instructor where knot failure could cause property damage, injury, or death.


The Kalmyk Loop is named after the Kalmyks, a nomad ethnicity in Russia. The republic of Kalmykia is located on the western shore of the Caspian Sea.

Also known as

  • Slipped Inuit Bowline


The Kalmyk Loop is a slipped version of the Inuit Bowline.


The Kalmyk is a very strong and secure fixed loop.