Slipped Ground-line Hitch

( Slipped Spar Hitch | Fender Knot | Miller's Knot | Sack Knot | Bag Knot )

Animation: Slipped Ground-line Hitch


The Slipped Ground-line Hitch can be used to temporarily attach a rope to a spar or stanchion. It can also be used to bind the opening of a sack or bag but can be quickly undone. When used as such, it is in the class of binding knots referred to as "Miller's knots".

Also known as

  • Slipped Spar Hitch
  • Fender Knot
  • Miller's Knot
  • Sack Knot
  • Bag Knot


The Slipped Ground-line Hitch is simply a Ground-line Hitch with a simple drawloop providing a mechanism for quick release. The Slipped Ground-line Hitch can be tied right or left handed and can be used as either a hitch (attach to a spar) or a binding knot (bind the opening of a bag closed).


Worked-up and dressed properly, the Slipped Ground-line Hitch is more secure than the simpler Slipped Clove Hitch and has less tendency to jam, but does not respond well to swinging or shifting tension.