Turle Knot

( Major Turle's Knot | Turtle Knot | Turrel Knot )

Animation: Turle Knot


The Turle Knot is a fishing knot specifically used to attach an angled or offset hook or fly to a leader, ensuring proper alignment of the hook with the line. It is particularly useful in fly fishing, where presentation is important. The Turle has sometimes, incorrectly, been referred to as the "Turtle Knot" or "Turrel Knot".


The Turle Knot is named after Major William Greer Turle, a 19th-century English angler who popularized the knot but did not claim to have invented it. Major Turle was an early pioneer in the use of eyed hooks for fly fishing.

Also known as

  • Major Turle's Knot
  • Turtle Knot
  • Turrel Knot


There are a number of variations of the Turle Knot. In the text "Modern Improvements in Fishing Tackle and Fish Hooks" (1886 Edition) it describes using a "running noose" slip knot to pass over the hook. The Turle animation here employs a slipped double overhand knot.